Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Pan’s Labyrinth

Saw Pan's Labyrinth again on the weekend. It was a joy to watch second time around. The camera work was fantastic, much like how GM would shoot, and the design inspired too. I especially liked the 'eyes in his hands' monster (below) , that scene sent chills down my spine. Some people argue the movie's a little heavy handed on the violence. It's violent, but strangely I found the movie very calming. It's brilliant Guillermo del Toro was able to make the movie he wanted without pandering to a safe audience. Truly a breath of fresh air. I read an interview of his a while ago and he was big on Joseph Campbell too, seems like he'd have a lot to talk about to GM. Here's an interview with Guillermo which also shows some picks from his sketch book, looks like he did a lot of the design work too.

BTW, big welcome to Dave Smith, and I've invited Tom Taylor too. I think that just about includes everyone from the old story meets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've only used the word "gratuitous" in regards to violence for one film, and this was it. In the true sense of the word - "being without apparent reason, cause, or justification". I didn't feel the violence added anything to the story but was more put in for shock value.

I realise he had to create an environment that the girl would want to escape from, to create her own reality. But seriously, there was so much shown that she didn't see. Infact, she didn't see any of the brutal scenes at all. Which means they were completely shown for us, to put us on edge. Which worked, but I felt distracted from the story, since by the end, I didn't feel that her world was real at all. I was completely dragged down by the reality of the darkness he had created.